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Now, MMA has joined Kroger's Community Rewards program.
The Kroger Family of Companies is committed to community engagement, positive social impact and charitable giving at the national and local levels. In addition to Kroger stores nationwide, the company also includes Ralphs, Harris Teeter, Fred Meyer stores, Fry’s Food and Drug, Dillons Food Stores and Food 4 Less. Every community is unique, but Kroger's common goal is to partner with the neighborhoods they serve and help the people there live healthier lives.
One of the ways in which Kroger does this is through our Food 4 Less Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Food 4 Less and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Click on your preferred store to find out how it works:
For Ralph’s, MMA’s Organization Number is QF216
For Food 4 Less, MMA’s Organization Number is MG985